Lady Bugs or Lady Beetles?

Lady Bugs or Lady Beetles? What’s the difference? 

The insects we know as lady bugs are actually small beetles and there are more than 6000 types! The Asian lady beetle is actually the most prevalent and it was brought to the US in 1916 to help combat aphids. While the red body with black dots is the type that first comes to mind when picturing a lady bug, these tiny beetles can be red, pink, orange or tan with or without black spots. They are generally beneficial to plants, eating aphids and scale insects, but too much of a good thing can mean a nasty infestation. Lady beetles leave behind drops of yellow liquid to protect them from predators, it has a very unpleasant odor and can leave stains. Asian lady beetles or lady bugs are not known to carry any diseases, though some types can bite if they land on your skin. 

The best way to prevent lady beetles from getting out of control inside your home is to prevent them getting inside in the first place. If you’ve not checked your home for cracks around windows and doors, now is the time. It’s also a good time to inspect your screens before warmer weather arrives, patch up any holes or tears. Insecticide around cracks and near openings of doors and windows can be effective in keeping the beetles out, but know that it’s useless once they’re inside.