Spring Pest Prevention Tips

Spring is coming and the time you devote now to pest prevention will pay off in the coming months. Let’s get started!

Berks county pest control Siani spring pest prevention tips

  1. If you have any wood exposed to soil or near your foundation, it’s an open invitation to termites, carpenter ands and carpenter bees. Treat this wood with a termite product, even if it’s painted (paint alone will not deter these pests!).

  2. April showers bring moisture loving pests! Check your outdoor faucets, hose hookups, etc., and fix any leaks, then install drains or spouts to avoid any standing water, as this is where mosquitos breed.

  3. Check areas such as crawl spaces, basements and garages for dampness now to avoid more problems with summer humidity. Set up ventilation systems in spring and you’ll help prevent insects and possibly mold.

  4. Don’t place shrubs or any plants (or even mulch!) next to your foundation, the wood fibers and moisture will attract pests such as termites.

    If you still find yourself with a pest issue, don’t wait - call a licensed, experienced LOCAL pest professional: call Siani! 610-589-4091.